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Education System In Pakistan


Reflective Practice by John Dewey


John Dewey's concept of reflective practice refers to the process of actively and deliberately considering one's own experiences to improve future performance. This involves looking back on past experiences and analyzing them to understand what worked well and what did not, and using that information to make changes and improve future performance. Reflective practice is often used in professional fields such as education and healthcare, as it can help practitioners gain a deeper understanding of their practice and improve their ability to solve problems and make decisions.


John Dewey's concept of reflective practice is a powerful tool for professionals in various fields. It involves actively reflecting on one's own experiences to gain a deeper understanding of oneself and one's practice and to make improvements for the future.

Reflective practice can be applied to any profession, but it is particularly useful in fields such as education and healthcare. In these fields, professionals are constantly making decisions and solving problems. Reflective practice allows them to take a step back and examine their actions and decisions, and consider how they can improve in the future. One of the key elements of reflective practice is the ability to look back on past experiences and analyze them.

Another important aspect of reflective practice is the ability to reflect on one's emotions and feelings. This process allows professionals to understand their emotional responses to certain situations and to consider how these emotions may have affected their actions and decisions. By understanding their own emotions, professionals can better manage them in the future and make more informed decisions. In addition to reflecting on past experiences, the reflective practice also involves planning for the future. This means considering what changes and improvements can be made in one's practice and setting goals for achieving those improvements. This forward-thinking approach can help professionals stay focused on making progress and achieving their goals.

Reflective practice is not a one-time process, but rather a continuous cycle. Professionals should regularly take time to reflect on their experiences and consider how they can improve. This can be done through journaling, discussing with colleagues or supervisors, or participating in professional development opportunities. In conclusion, John Dewey's concept of reflective practice is an invaluable tool for professionals in various fields. It allows them to gain a deeper understanding of their practice, make improvements for the future, and stay focused on achieving their goals. By regularly taking time to reflect on their experiences, professionals can improve their ability to make decisions, solve problems, and provide better service to their clients.


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