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Education System In Pakistan


Pronunciation Silent


Silent pronunciation refers to the practice of speaking or pronouncing words without making any sound. It is often used in meditation, visualization, or other mindfulness practices as a way to focus the mind. In some cases, silent pronunciation can also be used to improve speech and articulation by practicing the movements of the mouth and tongue without making any sound.

Examples of words that can be silently pronounced include:

  • "Mantra" - often used in meditation and yoga practice as a tool for focus and concentration.
  • "Affirmation" - a positive statement used to reinforce a belief or attitude.
  • "Visualization" - the practice of creating mental images to focus the mind and achieve a specific goal.
  • "Chanting" - the practice of silently repeating a word or phrase, often used in religious or spiritual contexts.
  • "Speech therapy" - a form of therapy used to improve speech and language skills, silent pronunciation is often used as a technique in speech therapy to help patients practice the movements of the mouth and tongue.


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