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Education System In Pakistan


Lawrence Stenhouse Theory About Reflective Practice


Stenhouse's concept of reflective practice is similar to John Dewey's in that it involves actively reflecting on one's own experiences to gain a deeper understanding of oneself and one's practice and make improvements for the future. However, Stenhouse's approach places a greater emphasis on the importance of critical reflection, which involves questioning assumptions and considering alternative perspectives. Stenhouse argues that reflective practice is an essential aspect of professional development, particularly in the field of education. By constantly reflecting on their practice, teachers can improve their ability to make decisions and solve problems, and thus provide a better service to their students. Reflective practice also allows teachers to stay up-to-date with current research and best practices in the field of education.

Stenhouse also emphasizes the importance of collaborative reflective practice, where teachers come together to share their experiences and insights. This allows them to learn from one another and gain a wider perspective on their practice. Collaborative reflective practice can also foster a sense of community and support among teachers. In summary, Stenhouse's concept of reflective practice is a powerful tool for professionals, particularly in the field of education. It involves actively reflecting on one's own experiences, questioning assumptions, and considering alternative perspectives in order to gain a deeper understanding of oneself and one's practice and make improvements for the future. Collaborative reflective practice is also essential to professional development as it allows professionals to learn from one another and gain a wider perspective on their practice.

Stenhouse's concept of reflective practice involves actively reflecting on one's own experiences to gain a deeper understanding of oneself and one's practice and make improvements for the future. His approach emphasizes the importance of critical reflection, which involves questioning assumptions and considering alternative perspectives. Collaborative reflective practice is also essential to professional development as it allows professionals to learn from one another and gain a wider perspective on their practice. This approach is particularly useful in the field of education, as it helps teachers improve their ability to make decisions and solve problems, and stay up-to-date with current research and best practices.


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